Hello aspirants, there are certain pair of words in which either the words, look similar or they sound similar--- that is the reason they are often confused with each other. This confusion leads to negative marks in exams.
Therefore to avoid confusion we have selected such words and elaborated there meaning side by side.
Hope this will help. Let's start !!!
1. emulate & amulet
emulate: to attempt to equal or surpass, especially by imitation
amulet: an object worn, especially around the neck, as a charm against evil or injury
2. content & contend
content: desiring no more than what one has; satisfied
contend: a) to struggle in rivalry, battle, etc;
b) debate; to argue earnestly
3. felicity & facility
felicity: great happiness; bliss
facility: ease in moving, acting, or doing
4. impious & impetuous & imperious
impious: lacking due respect or dutifulness; not pious; irreligious
impetuous: a) liable to act without consideration; rash; impulsive
b) moving with great force or violence; rushing
imperious: a) arrogantly domineering or overbearing
b) urgent, imperative
5. restitution & destitution
restitution: a) the act of giving back something that has been lost or stolen
b) reparation made by giving an equivalent or compensation for
loss, damage, or injury caused
c) restoration to the former or original state or position.
destitution: the condition of being extremely poor
6. implore & explore
implore: to make an earnest appeal; to beg for urgently
explore: to investigate systematically; examine
7. deferential & differential
deferential: marked by or showing deference or respect; respectful; polite
differential: constituting a difference; distinguishing
8. eminent & imminent
eminent: well-known and respected, especially for achievement in a particular field
imminent: about to occur; impending; liable to happen soon
9. hoard & horde
hoard : a) an accumulated store hidden away for future use;
b) to keep hidden or private
horde: a large group or crowd; a swarm
Bonus: "hoarding": a large board used for displaying advertising posters, as by a road.
10. corroborate & collaborate
corroborate: to strengthen or support with other evidence; make more certain; confirm
collaborate: to work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort
Vocabulary list
Hope this will help!! 😊😊
For any queries or suggestions, please let me know in the comment section below.
image source: google
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